Tech-News & Views
ANNOUNCING THE GREAT CANADIAN FIRE ALARM TECHNICIAN CHALLENGE! Vancouver, British Columbia - We’re issuing a challenge to all Canadian fire protection technicians engaged in annual testing or Verification of fire alarm systems across the nation. And we’re giving away some pretty awesome prizes to the three winning entries that are drawn. The contest closes on February 29, 2016 (yup, it’s a leap year), so you’ve got lots of time to submit your answers. For more details, please visit our CONTESTS page! WE’RE EIGHT! Surrey, British Columbia - On October 18, 2015, we registered the domain and a scant three days later the site went live with fifty-one (51) FAQ and an extensive library of manuals, bulletins, and technical notes. We’re looking forward to a tremendous 2016. Join us and let’s celebrate together!
TECHNICIAN MEET AND GREET! HELP US RING IN THE NEW YEAR! Burnaby, British Columbia - The Technician Meet and Greet originally scheduled for November 27th, 2015 failed to reach the minimum number of seats needed to host the event. The date was a poor choice due to a number of conflicting Christmas/year end events scheduled for the same day. Everyone that purchased tickets should have received their full refunds by now. The Firefighters Hall in Burnaby British Columbia will host the January 29th, 2016 Meet and Greet which, as it turns out, is going to be our inaugural dinner. You’ll be treated to a fabulous gourmet meal and brought up to speed on the various issues, bulletins, notifications, and testing solutions affecting your practice. The first four (or so) meetings we’re going to be delving into the fascinating subject of CAN/ULC-S536. We’re reaching out to all RFPT’s, trainees, and attendees/graduates of the fire alarm courses in the Lower Mainland to attend so if you miss January’s meeting, don’t sweat it, drop by in February or the months following! A Certificate of Attendance, handouts, and beer (or wine) will be provided. We’ll also be featuring an intriguing line-up of amazing guest speakers. Life truly doesn’t get any better than this - dinner, drinks AND education. You’ll have to complete the online exam (which, incidentally, you can do in your underwear from the warm comfort of your home) to receive your certificate, good for 2.5 hours of ongoing education credits. Click on the EVENTS link on our HOME page or on the menu bar to the right! Members and their significant others (by all means bring them for a chance to show off what you do every day) get a reduced rate. Ten dollars from every ticket will be donated to the CKNW Orphans Fund. Our goal is $3000.00 per event so “let’s fill them seats”!
REPORT ON ASTTBC’S FIRE PROTECTION TECHNICIAN CERTIFICATION PROGRAM Surrey, British Columbia - In the wake of the filing of ASTTBC’s Annual Report, we thought it appropriate to file one as well, only ours is focused on the FAILED Fire Protection Technician Certification Program which ASTTBC is responsible for administrating. You can read more in this Special Report (and you can also download the PDF copy that has been sent to ALL British Columbia’s MLAs).
THE GREAT (NEW BRUNSWICK) SMOKE ALARM TEST! Fredericton, New Brunswick - It seems a certain group of individuals out east want us ALL to participate! Let’s not disappoint them, Canada! Push them buttons!
You should make plans to change the batteries in your smoke alarms, too. There’s a “how-to” guide in a handy FAQ located here! And don’t forget to practice regular fire drills. Get the kids involved in reviewing all of the possible exits from each room in your house.
ASTTBC HOSTS ANOTHER RFPT MEETING - OCTOBER 22, 2015Langley, British Columbia - Brookswood Fire Hall at 20355 - 32 Avenue in Langley was the venue for a dinner meeting that focused on “Fire Alarm Systems ... What have we learned over the last 40 years?” A number of “subject matter experts” were on hand to “provide you with experienced insight to the challenges of inspecting and testing fire alarm systems of various types, age, and complexity”. The event kicked off at 1730 hours and included free pizza. What makes this particularly noteworthy? You couldn’t find any formal announcement anywhere on ASTTBC’s fire protection website until the morning of the meeting (October 22nd). By the time we heard about it, they’d already closed down the linked registration page where you had to RSVP. The official announcement was sent out via an email blast. It begs the question: Why keep such a thing secret?
IN AN INSTANT VIDEO WARNS ABOUT SMOKING AND MAINTAINING WORKING SMOKE ALARMS IN YOUR HOME!Fire Prevention Week kicked off this year with the theme HEAR THE BEEP WHERE YOU SLEEP. There are new wireless retrofit solutions available from a number of manufacturers that can integrate the installation of a home smoke alarm SYSTEM for every bedroom. The video is a graphic reminder of how a fire can quickly get out of hand with tragic results.
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“We are not a professional union, but together, we are a union of professionals!”
What we’re all about!
We are not affiliated with ASTTBC, CFAA, CANASA, NFPA, NAFED, or NICET (although we encourage you to explore and objectively evaluate the benefits associated with supporting their individual efforts). Membership in the Fire Technicians Network is entirely voluntary. Are you up to the challenge of demonstrating your commitment to public safety and the highest standard of professional practice?
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