Calgary, Alberta - The Calgary Sun has reported on an investigation launched by Alberta Government regulators into several irregularities that have been uncovered with building inspection reports and electrical designs involving Calgary based DFK Engineering Ltd. You can view the article by Bill Kaufmann HERE!
Vancouver - Wayne White has been appointed as the new Program Director for Vancouver's Electrical Inspections Division. We can't think of anyone more qualified to fill the position which had so competently been managed by John McMahon for the past several years. As many in the industry already know, John retired last month after a long and very distinguished career with the City. He'll be sorely missed. In the mean time, we look forward to working with Wayne!
Vancouver - Tad Bukala, the man behind one of the Lower Mainland's better known fire equipment and verification service providers has walked away from the company he founded with his wife. We're given to understand his departure was not entirely unexpected and was also not on the best of terms. Tad's wife and a new management team will take over the company. What all this means regarding his (and White Eagle's) status on Vancouver's List of qualified verifiers is something that we should see ironed out shortly. Clearly there are issues that will have to be dealt with!
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